How I Increased My Google AdSense revenue by 25%

Alexandr Ursu
2 min readDec 3, 2020

Did you know that statistically in 2020 ~26.4% of US internet users were blocking advertising on their connected devices? And these numbers are increasing yearly.

In this article I will not talk about content strategies or how to bring more traffic to your website. I will focus on how you can use your existing traffic to increase revenues and will provide a solution from developer perspective.

Have you heard about AdBlock? Chrome app description:

AdBlock is the best ad blocker with over 60 million users, and one of the most popular Chrome extensions with over 350 million downloads!

ad blocker
AdBlocker interface

Chances are very high that your website daily users are using this or other similar extension and in this way you lose your monetization power. Fortunately, there might be a fix for that. While having an adblocker installed I came across few websites that have implemented a very smart way to detect and raise awareness.

They are using script blocking ad blockers :).

In other words there is a script that you can add to your website which will detect adblockers. Once implemented, a good practice is to block all navigation on website and display a message gently asking your users to disable it e.g.

AdBlocker message example

Below you can find a quick script written in javascript that helps you detecting an active AdBlocker, feel free to use it:

Hope it was helpful and you learned how to detect and bypass AdBlock and increase revenues. If you need some help or more details do not hesitate to leave a comment below.

